Greater Gariwerd Landscape Draft Management Plan – Crag List

This is a comprehensive list (in alphabetical order) of the four categories that PV has given to 281 individual climbing crags.

Note: These are from the draft version – yet to updated to the final GGLMP version.

Proposed Permanently Banned Crags

These are the crags PV lists in the draft as “climbing not permitted”. We have bold highlighted major/popular areas and put in brackets additional information.

Amnesty Wall
Andersons East

Band of Gypsies
Billywing Buttress
Bird Wall
Bowler Boulder (Summerday Valley)
Bundaleer South
Cherub Wall
Club Wall (Cub Wall?)
Corner Crag
Crag X
Emu Rock
Flying Blind Area
Generation Gap
Gilham’s Crags
Gunn Buttress
Hollow Mountain Cave
Hollywood Bowl
Joey Blocks
Left Wall (Summerday Valley)
Main Wall (Summerday Valley)
Maul Wall
Moora Rocks
Mother Buttress
Mt Fox
Mt Pleasant
Mt Talbot
Muline Crag
Peasant Wall
Picasso Block
Possum Rocks
Rain Wall
Red Wall / Echo Block
Redneck Paradise
Sandinista Cliffs West (Contra Arms Pump, Sandinista etc)
Scoop Rocks
Sherpa Rocks
Southern Cliff (Mt Abrubt)
Sundial Peak (Bleachers bouldering)
Sunny Boy Block
The Catacombs
The Chimney Pots
The Crater
The Dungeon
The Far Pavilion
The Fortress
The Gallery

The Grandstand
The Lost Pavilion
The Olive Cave
The Plaza Strip

The Promised Land
The Snake Pit
The Solarium
The Studio
The Tower
Trackside Boulders

Tunnel Cliff
Valley of the Giants
Wallaby Rocks
Wall of Fools (North)
Wall of the West Wind

Proposed “Designated Climbing Areas”

These are the crags PV lists in the draft as open to climbers as “designated climbing areas”. We have bold highlighted major/popular areas.

Afterglow Wall
Bad Moon Rising Wall
Bellerophan Wall
Bellfield Peak
Blockbuster Butress
Bouldering Buttress
Bullaces Buttress
Bundaleer (North)
Cakewalk Wall
Calectasia Walls
Cave of Ghosts Cliffs
Central Buttress (Stapylton)
Chatauqua Peak
Clematis Falls
Clicke Area (inc Kindergarten)
Cloud Cuckoo Land
Crock Wall
Curiosity Crag
Dolgoruki Wall and Three Tiers (Iskra Crag)
Eastern Walls (Iskra Crag)
Emu Crag (Iskra Crag)
Epsilon Wall
Equinox Walls
Forrest Rock
Frenchman’s Beret
Giants Staircase (Mt Rosea)
Grey & Green Walls
I Forget Wall
Interpretation Wall (Iskra Crag)
Koalasquatsy Wall
Left Side (Mt Rosea)
Lemonade Wall (Iskra Crag)
Lookout Point Wall
Lower Taipan
Lunar Walls
Mackey’s Peak
Main Cliff (Mt Rosea)
Mountain Lion
Mt Pox
Neurology Wall
Northern Wall (Stapylton)
Out to Lunch Wall
Pensioners Wall
Pine Wall
Point Sunshine
River Road Rocks
Rosea Far Right
Ruined Castle
Sabre Gully
Sandinista Cliffs East (Tupamros & White Wall – the crap end)
Sentinel Cave
Signal Peak
Slander Gully
Socrophiliac Buttress
Stony Peak
Tangerine Slide
The Breach
The Breadboard
The Elephants Slide
The Grand Canyon
The Guardhouse
The Lower Goon
The Peking Face
The Play Pen
The Ravine
The Tower of Paine
The Underworld
The Upper Goon
The Wall of China
The Watchtower
Tortoise Wall

Tower Hill
Tribute Wall
Truckstop Wall
Upper Wurzlegummage Wall
Van Diemen’s Land
Warden Wall
West Flank
Western Crags (Iskra Crag)
Western Wall
Wild Flower Wall
Wild Geese Wall

Awaiting Assessment (banned until approved)

These are the crags PV lists in the draft as designated” Possible Climbing Areas“. Depending on results of assessments they may become Designated Climbing Areas. According to PV they do not have the funding to do these assessments so these areas are closed into the foreseeable future. We have bold highlighted major/popular areas.

Andersen’s West
Backside Bouldering
Barbican Rocks
Barbican Wall
Base Camp Buttress
Beehive Falls
Bernard’s Boulders
Between the Sheeps

more to come…

Assist efforts in restoring access to world renowned climbing areas in the Grampians National Park